Monday, August 12, 2019

      Safety First

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A disaster is a calamitous event that disrupts the functioning of society and causes human material, economic or environmental losses that exceed the ability to cope using its own resources. It can be natural and human-caused disasters, both of these affects thousands of lives each year. Natural disasters are never ending event or nature’s act that causes great extent of damage that might lead people to death. Sometimes humans are the problem because of doing things consist of anthropogenic hazards  that may adversely affect the ecosystem, it tends to occur calamities or necessary events. Example of this is flood, caused by  cutting plenty amount of trees for constructing houses and buildings but some are not important it’s just that they wanted to build their own departures and many more. It’s quite hard to control people from doing this things.

This National Disaster Resilience Month highlights the shift from disaster awareness building to disaster resilience. Government agencies will be organizing disaster response training in schools and government offices and in disaster prone areas in the different localities to see their capacities on how they should respond before, during, and after a disaster. Disaster preparedness refers to the preventive measures taken to reduce the severity of a disaster’s effect. It help us to lessen the impact of disasters on vulnerable populations, to ready an organization for an influx of activity and to design a coordinated plan that reduces the resources, time,  and efforts.

Being ready or prepared in every kind of disasters it's important to keep yourself safe from danger.

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